Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Foods That Build Muscle - Here Are The Top 4 Foods To Eat To Get Huge Muscles Really Fast!

The foods that build muscle mass are usually foods of animal origin that are rich in protein such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs and milk. The plants that contain protein include soy, beans and lentils, although you will need to eat greater amounts of these foods to obtain the same amount of protein contained in a small portion of food of animal origin.

healthy eating

Keep in mind that we are trying to increase only muscle mass and not fat, so you will need to eat skinless chicken and low-fat dairy. Although protein is essential for muscle development you must also include other types of food in your diet, such as wholemeal bread, pasta, whole rice, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, cereals and grains. However, you need to avoid fats, white flour, refined sugar, pastry products, fried food and carbonated drinks.

So without further delay, here are the top 4 foods for building muscles :

  1. Almonds: almonds are one of the best sources of alpha-tocopherol (a form of vitamin E that gets easily absorbed by the body), which is important for your muscles. Alpha-tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant that may help prevent the damage caused by free radicals after heavy workouts, allowing a more rapid recovery and further development of new muscle fibers. Two handfuls of almonds a day should be enough. A study by the University of Toronto has shown that most people can eat this amount daily without gaining fat. What is more, almonds are good for your brain. According to a recent study published at the Journal of the American Medical Association, men who consumed the most vitamin E (obtained from food or supplements) lowered the risk of developing Alzheimer's by 67%.
  2. Eggs: the protein in eggs has the highest biological value than any other food. But, you have to eat the yolk too: in addition to protein, the yolk also contains vitamin B12, which is necessary for the breakdown of fat. Eggs contain vitamins and minerals like riboflavin, folate, vitamins B6, B12, D, E, iron, phosphorus and zinc.
  3. Salmon: salmon is full of high quality protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, which can decrease the muscle breakdown after training and improve recovery. Salmon also reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. According to a study by the Louisiana State University, overweight people who added 1.8 g of DHA (an omega 3 fatty acid contained in fish oil) to their diet, decreased their insulin resistance by 70% in 12 weeks.
  4. Beef: apart from proteins, beef is a very good source of iron and zinc, two nutrients essential for building muscle. It is also the best available source of creatine: 2 g for every 0.5 kg. Creatine acts as fuel for your muscles, allowing you to train harder and longer. What is more, beef contains selenium that lowers the risk of developing prostate cancer.

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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Get Massive Strength, Muscle & Definition in Your Back With This 10 Exercise Super Set!

Back development is all about sets and reps and if you want to know how to get massive strength, muscle and definition in your back, then this workout is just the ticket! Its a 10 exercise super set marathon that hits all corners of the back and is guaranteed to get you a crazy pump and get you a stronger, more muscular and more defined back in just a few workouts. That's if you can complete it of course!


Exercise 1: Lat Pull Down for Warm Up: 10 Reps

Exercise 2: Incline Bench Reverse Row: 10 Reps

Exercise 3: Incline Bench Reverse Shrugs: 10 Reps

Exercise 4: Seated Barb bell Shrugs: 10 Reps

Exercise 5: Straight Leg Bent Over Barb bell Row: 10 Reps

Exercise 6: Bent Over Barbell Row: 10 Reps

Exercise 7: Super Set - Partial Dead Lift & Shrugs: 10 Reps per Exercise

Exercise 8: Straight Leg Bent Over Dumbbell Fly's: 10 Reps

Exercise 9: Reverse Grip Bent Over Row: 10 Reps

Exercise 10: Straight Leg Smith Machine Row: 10 Reps

As mentioned above, move from one exercise to another taking as few breaks as possible. The goal is to be able to complete this giant set without taking a break. This is how to get massive strength in your back!

We used a lot of variety in this workout, moving from barb bells to dumbbells and even throwing in the lat machine. This is key to back development. You want to hit all different areas of your back with as many different exercises as possible.

Implement this workout into your back routine over the coming weeks and then switch it up. You can either choose substitute exercises or use the same exercises in a different order but make sure to change the amount of reps and change the tempo of each rep. This strategy should not only be used for back but for your entire body too. Therefore, for maximum results, plan out your workout strategy over several weeks or months and make sure every few weeks you are moving between circuit training and non circuit training phases and altering the sets, reps and tempo. This is the best way how to get strength, muscle and add definition to your body!

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